They say it takes a village to raise a child. Or something like that. I was thinking that the village that is kindly helping HackneyHack and myself raise our small child is:
Obviously the nursery that looks after the boy three days a week and his lovely key worker
Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood. It's free (suggested donation)! It has a great cafe with loads of buggy room, sensory area, sandpit, Lego, doll's house, loads of room for toddlers to bomb about madly and did I mention the cafe? And it's open every day of the week!
Hackney City Farm. Animals! An even better cafe! Also free (until you feel too guilty).
Lovely Stefanie at Piccolo,
Hackney Forge. Not free, but worth every pound.
The excellent man who runs the baby gym at the Collingwood Centre (free!). Can't hold a tune to save his life but very welcoming. And the stay and play ladies.
Ann Tayler Centre's (free! apart from suggested donation for fruit) stay and play.
The Victoria Park One o'Clock Club ladies - don't use it often but nice to know it's there (and free!)
The Victoria Park pavilion and the
Wild Cherry cafe, no-one cares if you breast feed.
Emily and the other physiotherapist whose name I have forgotten at the Royal London postnatal pilates course (which takes place in the amputees gym, cheerily).
And all within walking distance! Not to mention the parks. I shall miss all this if we ever move out of Hackney. Won't miss the health visitors and GPs, mind.